Allochromatic : qualifying gems coloured by impurities without which they would be of another color.
Amorphous : without regular atomic structure nor geometrical external form.
Birefringence (B) : for the gems with double refraction, difference between the higher and lower refractive index
Brilliance : brightness of a stone following the reflexion of the light on its surface.
Cabochon : stone cut and polished in dome.
Carat : unit of weight used for the gems. 1 carat = 0.20 gram
Cleavage : crack of a stone along lines of less resistance, determined by the atomic structure.
Crystal : solid whose atoms are distributed in space with a geometrical regularity.
Crystal system : classification of different atomic structure of a crystal.
Dichroic : property of a gem to appear of two colors or nuances according to the angle of sight.
Double refraction : phenomenon in virtue of which any luminous ray is divided into two when it penetrates in an anisotropic ore.
Fracture : crack of a stone without direct relationship to the atomic structure.
Gem : this term groups together the precious and semi-precious stones. Some substances of organic origin (amber, coral, pearl,…) are comparable with the gems.
Idiochromatic : qualifying gems whose color is due to components of their chemical composition and not to impurities.
Inclusion : foreign body inside a gem.
Lapidary : craftsman who works or sells semi-precious or precious stones except for diamonds (diamond cutter).
Mineral : natural inorganic matter characterized by chemical properties and determined physics, which can be crystallized or amorphous.
Mohs scale : cale of measurement of the relative hardness of the minerals (classification from 1 to 10).
Ore: rock containing of metals which one can extract with profit.
Precious stone : diamond, emerald, ruby and sapphire.
Refractive index (RI) : measure deceleration and change of direction of the penetrating luminous rays in a gem.
Rock : matter made up of one or more minerals.
Semi-precious stone : stone which does not belong to the category of the precious stones.
Specific gravity : measure density of a gem.
Trichroic : property of a gem to appear of three colors or nuances according to the angle of sight.
Twins : grouping of several homogeneous crystals, juxtaposed or interpenetrated according to geometrical laws well defined.